Monday, September 28, 2009

Not Me Monday 2nd Edition

This week was not one of my best weeks, but I will spare you all the gory details.  I'll give you some of them though, since its quite cathartic to get these things off my chest.

I did not allow my husband to do all the housework on Sunday while I took a 2 hour nap on the couch, nope, not me!

I did not avoid posting on this blog because I was feeling very lazy this week.

I did not watch CSI, record Grey's Anatomy, and watch the Office on Hulu because they all come on on Thursday night and I am a TV addict.  I am not "out of the loop" if I don't watch one of my shows.  Not me! 

I did not fall asleep on the couch on Saturday night after a great dinner out with my husband.  I am not OLD!!

I did not then wear my calf-high boots to church on Sunday to prove to myself that I am not OLD!!

I do not feel the need to write OLD!! everytime I think about my upcoming birthday.  I know that 30 is not OLD!!

And I absolutely would never ever give my mother a bright pink Snuggie for her birthday. Or cut out her picture and place it on the box.

Ok, I feel much better.  What didn't you do this week?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Not Me! Monday First Edition

There are so many competing reasons on why I started this blog, but this post in particular is one of the more fun ones. Started by, I don't know, a long time ago, it gives me a chance to let you know what I Definitely Did Not Do this past week.

I, for one, did not tell my children that if they let me take a nap I would take them to the park. I never bargain with my children since that breaks all sorts of parenting rules, and I would Never Ever nap on the couch while my children play in the toy room. Nope, Not Me!

I did not consider this enough appropriate exercise for the day/week/month.
I am diligent about exercising every day, right?

I did not avoid my husband for several days in hopes of postponing and possibly avoiding completely the fight that had been building up. Nope, we always sit down and communicate any and all issues as soon as they arise for the health of our marriage.

There is no way that I would lose my patience at work with my fellow beloved co-workers and then very huffily tell my boss "I have absolutely no idea" when he asked me a very simple question. Nope, not me! I am always respectful and loving in all my workplace relationships.

I also did not hide in my office later on in the day when I was tired and trying to avoid any more questions. I always face my responsibilities and am cheerful and helpful at all times.

There is no way that I would ever sit in my car in the driveway for 30 minutes just reading my iPhone because this was in my back seat.
Nope, Not Me! I am always sure to get my things done every day and don't let my daughter sleep in the car just for the sake of some quiet me time.

And I would never actually miss my parents when they were gone for the ENTIRE last week. Nope, I'm not dependant on them for a drink, dinner, or a sounding board several times a week. I can totally do this whole Mom/Wife thing all by myself.

What about you? Anything that you didn't do this week that you need to get off your chest? Let me know!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Mine Mine Mine

That's my Boy!Yeah, he's adorable, and he's mine. He loves to read, he's mostly quiet, and he would rather be behind the camera than in front of it. Today, however, my normally camera shy boy was more than willing to let me take pictures of him.
And so I did, take picture after picture of his adorable face, and his funny antics, and him being super sweet to his sister for the first time in a long long time.
Princess Pea, on the other hand....
Not Shy
Is never shy.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How Much Chocolate is Really Enough?

So I've had one of those weeks. One of those fight with your husband, too many meetings, not enough money, children upset at me. lots of self-added stress kind of weeks. And last night I was thinking, what in the world did the pastor talk about last Sunday? Something about Peace=Faith, or there is only peace when you surrender to God, or something else equally important and probably seriously helpful this week in particular. In fact, someone probably knew that I would have this week ahead of time and so led somebody to preach on it last week.

Unfortunately for me, I am worn out, too worn out to do what is for my own good and dive into the Word and find out what it is that I desperately need to find peace in my home and my heart.

My solution, instead, last night, after dinner was in the oven and I was waiting for dear Hubby and son to get home, was to whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough with my adorable, lovable, loves to lick the bowl daughter. (Don't tell Daddy we lick the bowl because for some reason he's worried about ebola, or swine flu, or something bad for you) We decided to bake half of the dough, and keep the rest of it in the fridge for later batches, (or late night snacks for mom)

Of course, considering the above mentioned week that I've been having, I had to leave the house as soon as the rest of the family got home, so I didn't get any dinner, or cookies, or peace until much later. But later it did come, later that night when I'm sitting on the couch watching Jay Leno and eating cookies for dinner.

It wasn't perfect, no human attempt is, but I'm telling you now, there aren't any more cookies and I had a much better day today.